⚠️ Warning: Scammers are using our name and logo in illegal online gaming posts. ⚠️
Emerald Queen Casino & Hotel is NOT affiliated with online gaming. Please avoid these posts and links.
It is the policy of Emerald Queen Casino (“EQC”) to provide opportunities for all suppliers in a manner that is consistent with our business objectives. In establishing this policy, EQC recognizes its responsibility to the communities it serves and the society in which it conducts business. No potential supplier will be precluded from consideration on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability or national origin.
If you are a supplier that would like to pursue opportunities with EQC, please send an email describing your product and/or service along with the filled out New Vendor packet, W-9, and Certificate of Insurance to Purchasing.
Your information will be reviewed by our Purchasing staff, and you may be contacted for further directions to complete the registration process.
For more information please see our Frequently Asked Questions regarding how to do business with EQC.
The following represents some of the products and services that the casino uses on a regular basis. This list is not all inclusive: Food and Beverage product, Restaurant equipment, Industrial / Janitorial supplies, Office supplies, Furniture, Linens & Uniforms, Logo apparel, Retail merchandise, Promotional items, Construction services , Professional services, Skilled services, Printing services and equipment, Computer and Electronics equipment, Flooring material, Signage, Waste management service
Contract duration varies depending on the individual product or service. When a contract comes up for renewal, EQC may invite qualified suppliers (who may or may not be vendors) to participate in a bid opportunity. However, EQC reserves the right to continue pre-existing relationships without conducting new bids.
NET 30 DAYS: All invoices must be emailed to AP@EmeraldQueen.com. The PO number must be stated on all invoices, except for "invoices per contract."